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Podholic: All that’s Tesla from a Kiwi view

Elon’s world seen through a local lens.

HOW encouraging to come across a podcast dedicated to New Zealand viewpoints on motoring. 

Co-hosted by Martin Kane and Alex Shepard, ‘All that’s Tesla NZ’ , is regularly published with at least one new episode per month. 

Many episodes are recorded all around the country: A windy Wellington trade show, electron-lapping at Highlands Motorsport Park or tyre-kicking at an EV dealership in Taupo.

Refreshingly, the show steers clear of the regurgitated news format plaguing other Tesla podcasts, instead taking a customer and industry-centric approach to consumer and industry insights. It was fascinating to learn what those within the electricity sector were doing to help the uptake of EV adoption and how innovative technology is being employed to improve the home charging experience. Watch this space, as home charging is about to get much smarter, still.

In an intriguing point of difference, Tesla owners involve for a post-mortem on EV ownership and the hurdles they’ve faced, which mainly seem in respect to charging infrastructure and servicing, with Tesla having a limited number of service centres here. 

Invariably, some of the contributor commentary reveals a high current of bias, to point where I wondered if some owners have ever experienced any other kind of electric vehicle.

The pod being refreshingly devoid of annoying sponsor adverts is a plus. on the other hand, the audio quality can be a little hit-and-miss. On occasion the background noise was just too much of a distraction.

More polish would help, yet even in current state it does a commendable job of snapshotting the current state of Tesla’s fortunes and ownership experiences on home soil.

The NZ All That’s Tesla podcast can be found on all the usual platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify and at: