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Podholic: Auto Expert - no holding back

A blunt Aussie perspective. With extra blunt.

DISENCHANTED with listening to the same old? 

John Cadogan’s Auto Expert show is anything but that.

Cadogan is a veteran of Australia’s automotive media. 

His ability to tear the proverbial out of almost anything is unparalleled, taking an anti-PC brigade stance that leaves no element of the car industry unscathed.

The show is filmed within a garage-come-workshop studio, an ideal stage for Cadogan to explain his thoughts and theories using actual physical demonstrations. 

The setup also lends well to some more mechanically-related facets of the show, which will appeal to the home mechanic, whether novice or otherwise.

For the best experience, YouTube is the best platform to immerse oneself in Cadogan’s daily-updated ball-shredding bluntness. 

Sure, it could be argued that the layers of expressive hyperbole detract from the core content, but there is a substantial amount of truth and deeply considered research that goes into each of his topics.

Whether it’s taking the proverbial out of automakers and how they word press releases or ripping into Euro NCAP for its dubious new 5-star rating testing protocols, there is almost a topic for everyone to get thoroughly enraged with. Brilliant.

On the subject of safety, this writer appreciated the dialogue surrounding the poor implementation of safety assist systems, which can cause more distraction-related harm than good.

Case in point, Cadogan takes aim at a well-known two-brand Korean automotive group and the speed alert system across its newest fare. 

Imagine enduring an annoying beep every time your speed hits just just one kilometre over the posted limit. Then taking 12 seconds or more of your distracted time to dive through a touchscreen system to turn it off. You can cover a lot of distance in that time in a world where distracted driving is already epidemic.

While well-polished and thoroughly entertaining for a one-host show, Cadogan’s wit might come across as sharp for those with sensitive eardrums, and sponsorship adverts run a fraction longer than they should. 

Still, Auto Expert is well worth the subscription on platforms including YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The Auto Expert Homepage: