Podholic: The InsideEVs podcast

Curious about electric vehicles? Here’s a place to go.

WITH Government’s Clean car incentives invigorating New Zealand electric vehicle sales, and lifting the status of models such as the Polestar 2 (above), many Kiwis are excited, curious and perhaps a little confused with what the automotive future holds.

For those seeking out more, the InsideEVs podcast is a unique portal that attempts to bridge the knowledge gap by coving all manner of topics relating to battery electric vehicles, but is it a resource that delivers?


Broadcast weekly, automotive journalist Domenick Yoney chaperones the North American domiciled pod alongside a range of co-hosts and special guests from around the world. They bring a refreshingly global perspective, even if the dialogue between co-hosts can come across as awkward and slightly biased at times.

Bias aside, the podcast does a commendable job at covering new vehicle news, new battery technologies, the pros and cons of EV ownership and much, much more.

It also offers a fascinating insight into how other countries are dealing with the transition to electric, with politically induced climate mandates, public interest group pressures and grid capacity uncertainties.

In a must-listen, the show’s 100th episode covers the hurdles Electrify America is currently facing with its charging infrastructure. At first glance, it may not seem relevant, with ChargeNet and Tesla making up the bulk of our charging network. However, the tie-in is that many charging providers across the globe face similar obstacles and planning opportunities.

The pod also explores the joys and pitfalls EV owners may encounter, such as limited DC rapid charge availability, charge session faults, slow recharge rates and perhaps the most annoying of all - non-electric vehicles blocking access. On a positive note, most will charge from home during off-peak rates, thus enjoying a full tank of electrons every time they set out.

Overall, InsideEVs delivers an informative podcast that captures the pulse of the EV revolution, so chuck on those headphones and have a listen.

 InsideEVs Podcast Homepage: https://audioboom.com/posts/8031189-ev-charging-infrastructure-series-episode-1-electrify-america